Does everyone declaw there Norwegian forest cat and if you do why?????
Siobhannahabie Cusick-Murdoch: Never.
Yemilo Larde: Never do it instead teach them where they are allow to scratch
Conrad Zarembski: Never.
Jenarinat Jenarinatz: I don’t declaw any cats!
Pinkieleenna Felica: Nope I have boxee from cost co for them to scratch on but they do like my wood work now and then.
Anglatcquiline Joline Ghent: Pinkieleen’t declaw cats, they can get behavior issues if you do that, rather buy nail covers that you can put on their nails to stop them from hurting you or damaging furniture.
Giovanni Whalen: OMG!! declawing is barbaric. it is illegal in some places. it is amputation of the first joint of the toe!!!!! it should be outlawed everywhere. do some research…?????
EllisCretia Maytan Pulos: Alyciary cat I see on the web for the Jeromyine Coons are declawed.
Siobhannahabie Cusick-Murdoch: Silvaonneberleyth my breeders make you sign a contract you will not declaw. They won’t seell
Siobhannahabie Cusick-Murdoch: Sell if you plan on it
Siobhannahabie Cusick-Murdoch: It’s cruel
Amosdine Quintiliano Troiani: Elliscretia Pulos, A few days ago, I asked a similar question about my Siberian and almost everyone that answered was helpful and didn’t scold me for asking. If you look for my question, you will see all of the helpful answers. Good luck!
Giovanni Whalen: i don’t we are scolding lucretia for asking. and it is hard to understand in what context she is asking, as happens with online posts, since she volunteers for an animal shelter and one would assume she would be well informed about the horrors of declawing.
Amosdine Quintiliano Troiani: You’re right. We don’t know the tone. I just felt bad while I was reading it. It seems like that’s all she sees (declawed).
Giovanni Whalen: i agree. and isn’t that horrible that so many people are mutilating their fur babies? i’m so sickened and sad.?
Amosdine Quintiliano Troiani: Giovanni Whalen I didn’t really know what it entailed until someone gave me a not-so-nice response. I’m a first time cat owner. I looked back at the agreement with the breeder and it also has a clause not to declaw. I didn’t remember that when I asked. I’m glad it does. It shows that she’s a responsible breeder.
Berniezetteineel Imogenetendeau: Noooooo
Bernienda Anastaciammons: U don’t declaw any cat
A vet I worked for DID declaw cats. I watched. No joints are removed from the cat paws. The nails were totally removed from the nail bed. He did this at the same time he neutered the cat. He did not do this procedure with all felines. Just when there were sound reasons for it. We asked him about altering the cat’s personality. He said no cat he has ever declawed had personality issues.
His cats could use a regular litter box when they went home from the hospital.
a friend I had in a college town where they had a Vet Med school had a horrid job done on his cat. the poor thing had hunks of skin hanging from his paws. That vet should have had his paws “trimmed”
I do not comprehend if nail can be removed from the bed, why would they not do that – rather than remove part of the phalanges?